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"The best professional ethics courses I've taken in my long career." Michael H. Polley, Illinois Bar
"Professional - user friendly - everything I want - and the Elimination of Bias course was excellent. I definitely recommend it." Herman W. Hudson, Georgia Bar
"The Ethics course - Convenient, Entertaining, Informative - I definitely recommend it." Richard R. Mellott, Jr., Kentucky, Bar
"Directions, printing materials, and ease of use were great. The Elimination of Bias course instructors are excellent - I definitely recommend it." Cynthia Salloum, Georgia Bar
"The BEST Substance Abuse CLE I have ever attended / watched extremely informative and offered much practical advice for attorneys - recommend it highly!!!!" Bowdre Mays McAllister, North Carolina & Florida Bars
"The most painless CLE Ethics program I have ever watched / listened to. I enjoyed it very much and definitely recommend it." Prof. Walter Hellerstein, Illinois & New York Bars, University of Georgia School of Law, Faculty
“The Ethics course is excellent. I enjoyed the videos - they were enlightening and thought provoking. I would definitely recommend it.” Marc Levy, Texas Bar
"What a great way to obtain CLE credit. I definitely recommend it." Steven Glenn Kinkel, Kentucky Bar
"Simple, very well done - makes it easy and painless to get my CLE credit. Gregory Guidry, Texas Bar
“Customer Care was excellent. This was an efficient way for me to meet my ethics credits.” Katayun Jaffari, New Jersey Bar
"I liked the format... customer care was excellent." Wendy Larsen, Florida Bar
"The Ethics course content & instructor are excellent - I definitely recommend it. The format of using a cross-section of the population to answer questions about their perception of attorneys, what works, what are turn-offs, and connecting the applicable rules was a great way to show what needs improvement." Arlene Cleveland, Tennessee Bar
"This was a very well-organized MCLE online process. Easy to order and watch.
Good quality. Highly recommend this provider." Andrew Gonsalves, New York Bar
"The Prevention of Substance Abuse course, with its innovative format, extensive knowledge of the presenter, and thorough coverage of the subject matter, make for a first-rate learning experience." Kenneth M. Sigelman, MD, JD, California Bar
"Prevention of Substance Abuse course is excellent and I definitely recommend it." Kenneth W. Gary, Georgia Bar
"The Substance Abuse course, content, instructors and written materials are all excellent - I definitely recommend it." Rebecca Pascarell, Georgia Bar
I definitely recommend these courses - Ethics - Substance Abuse - Eliminating Bias - Courtroom Dos & Don’ts - I enjoyed them very much.” Ernest Joseph Piro III, New Jersey & New York Bar
“The Ethics course is excellent, informative, helpful, and at times sobering; and I would definitely recommend it to new and experienced attorneys as well.” Deborah Trinker, Florida & Iowa Bars
"The Elimination of Bias video is excellent. The issues discussed have wider application than just in our practice of law." Edward O. Ansell, California Bar
"Elimination of Bias course & instructors are excellent. I enjoyed it very much & definitely recommend it." Christine Freeman, Georgia & Tennessee Bar
"Courtroom Dos and Don'ts is excellent. Just a superb course for any level of experience against which to measure one's performance. I definitely recommend it." E. Ralph Walker, Iowa Bar
"Professionalism in the Courtroom is excellent - interesting and insightful. I enjoyed it very much and recommend it. I would definitely take more courses from this Provider." Cynthia H. Kambesis, Indiana
“Getting the extra ethics credit which I needed was quick, easy, and interesting. I definitely recommend it." Susan Michajlo, New York Bar
"A refreshing approach to Ethics CLE. The course is excellent. I definitely recommend it." Michelle Whitelaw, Tennessee Bar
"The Ethics course took a fresh and unique approach at a very important topic for today's lawyers. Highly recommended." Ian Arp, Iowa Bar
"Enjoyed the Ethics course very much. The content & instructor are excellent - definitely recommend it." Robert Pointer, Texas Bar
"The Prevention of Substance Abuse course is very informative and I enjoyed it very much. The instructors are excellent - I definitely recommend it."
Phyllis A. Layman, Georgia Bar"Enjoyed the Substance Abuse course very much. The course instructors are excellent. I definitely recommend it."
Janice Baldwin, North Carolina Bar"The Elimination of Bias online seminar is refreshing, engaging, and most importantly, convenient. The course and instructors are excellent and I definitely recommend it." Latoya E. Graham, Georgia Bar
"Elimination of Bias course is excellent and I definitely recommend it." Kenneth W. Gary, Georgia Bar
“The content and instructor are excellent. I enjoyed the course very much and definitely recommend it.” Alissa Smith, Illinois & Iowa Bars
"The Ethics course is excellent and I enjoyed it very much. This was an approach I hadn't considered, and was a very clever and enlightening insight into the minds of average (jury-panel qualified) citizens regarding their thoughts about how we as lawyers conduct ourselves in a myriad of situations. Very informative!" Michael A. Hooper, Texas Bar
"Very interesting format. Probably the only way to effectively communicate and remind the lawyer of things they should know but may have forgotten and begun to ignore due to years of practice. The instructor is excellent, and I enjoyed the Ethics course very much. I definitely recommend it." Thomas Scarr, Kentucky Bar
"The Ethics course & instructor are excellent. I definitely recommend it." Stefan L. Addison, Florida & New York Bars
"Ethics course and instructor are excellent - definitely recommend it." Christa Brown-Sanford, Texas Bar
"I definitely recommend it, and I really appreciated how easy it was to access ethics credits and the easily digestible presentation." Shelly Klein, New York Bar
"Enjoyed the Substance Abuse course very much - I definitely recommend it. The instructors are excellent. I will return for more courses." Emily Dillow, Georgia Bar, North Carolina Bar, Tennessee Bar and Florida Bar
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